7/21/08 - Today was little Ellie's 5 month birthday and to celebrate, she had her first spoon fed meal! At first she tried licking the spoon, then biting it, then she eventually realized she just needed to close her mouth down on it and the food would just fall right off into her mouth (then drip right back out because she wouldn't close her mouth :)) Silly Ella - Well, she'll have plenty of time to practice and I'm sure she'll get the hang of it in no time :)
So just an update - she went for her well baby visit on the 8th and she was 18lbs 5.7oz and she is 27.5" long. Her stats are in the 95th percentile which is super and the doctor said that a chubby baby is a smart baby because the brain develops best with there is fat stored on the body to help feed it. :) She sleeps through most nights without needing to eat until I get up for work and she has started taking baths in the tub with Mommy or Daddy :) She'll lay on the floor for hours babbling to herself and taking her pacifier out of her mouth, studying it, then putting it back in. She rolls onto her belly amazingly fast, but once she's there she can't quite figure out how to get back :(. All in all, she is a very good baby and is hardly ever fussy. If she is, it's usually just gas and it goes away in a jiffy :)
So that's all the news for now. I'll leave you with some pics and a little video of her first cereal meal :). (yes, that's me laughing in the background - I couldn't stop; her facial expressions were cracking me up!)