2/21/08 - Ella turned 1 year old today!!! It's hard to believe that a whole year has gone by already, and we couldn't have asked for a better one.
At one year, Ella is still 24.5lbs (since she was 8 months old) and is finally tall enough to graduate into her "big girl" car seat :) Her favorite food is bananas, favorite snack is Gerber cheese puffs and favorite stuffed animal is still "big bear" :) She absolutely refuses to drink from a bottle as soon as the sun comes up, but at nighttime, before bed, she'll gladly drink til her hearts content, then sleep.... 'like a baby'. She just barely fits into her 18 month stuff, so most of her clothes are 2T and her shoe size is a whopping 5-6! She's going to have big feet like her mama.
Some of the words she knows are: mama, dada, nana, baba, bath, book, night-night, all done, and nothing. She will also wave "hi" or "bye bye", play pat-a-cake and give "high-fives" if you ask her :)
She started walking unassisted a few days before her birthday, but still enjoys being carried and will usually crawl if she wants to get somewhere fast :)
So in regards to her birthday party, it was simply wonderful! All her favorite people were there including her Nana and Amelia :) She got a bunch of noisy presents and a pile of puffs and other snack foods. She was pretty interested in her cake, but she usually is a very neat eater, so she spent most of her time licking her fingers off and trying to eat it with a spoon rather than getting it all over :)
All in all it was a wonderful day to celebrate a wonderful little girl! :)