Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Muh-Muh! (Video Update)

8/5/08 - WHOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Ella spoke her first perfectly pronounced word today!!!!
"Muh-Muh" (Mama)
She now says it whenever she wants her Mama or when she's hungry, tired, cranky or wants Mama to pay attention to her :)

8/6/08 - This is from this morning. It's quick, so you might miss it the first time, but there is definetly a "Muh-muh" there. Her pronounciation was a lot better yesterday, but it's still early in the day.. maybe later on I'll get a better one!


Helen Moase said...

OH MY GOSH!!! That is so cute :) I can't wait until you get that on video :)

Anonymous said...

wayyyy to go!! that's too awesome =)

Maria said...

Wow! How precious!!!! So cute!