Friday, October 31, 2008

Cooking with Ella - Episode 1

10/31/08 - "Hello and Welcome to "Cooking with Ella!" In today's episode, Ella will be demonstrating the 5 easy steps for selecting the perfect canning jar."

Step #1: Make sure no one is watching you as you pick up a canning jar off the floor.
Step #2: Carefully inspect the jar for imperfections and clarity.

Step #3: Taste the jar to be sure it meets your standards in glass quality and firmness.

Step #4: The most important step: Test the bottom of the jar for stability, using your teeth as a tool.
Step #5: Continue to do step #4 until Mommy takes the jar away because you're making that lovely "nails on a chalkboard" sound with your teeth against the glass.
"And there you have it! The perfect canning jar has been selected.... Next episode we will be demonstrating the proper technique for 'slinging food.' Thank you for joining us!"

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mama Tiger

Making a run for it...

10/29/08 - Ella has gone back to saying "mama" almost non-stop and I LOVE it. I thought for a while there that she wasn't ever going to say it again, but it's back and it's better than ever! Now she doesn't only say it when she's upset, but also when she's hungry, has a poopy diaper, or just wants to make noise :)
With the new teeth coming in, she hasn't been much for pictures, but she did let me dress her up and play for awhile in her tiger suit :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Happy 8 Month Birthday!

10/21/08 - Today was Ella's 8 Month Birthday :) I can't believe that in one more month she will be 'out' as long as she was 'in' :)

She still loves squash more than anything else, will down an 8oz bottle in the blink of an eye if she's hungry and can make it from the fireplace to the dining room in about 10 seconds flat. She loves her "big bear" and her special time with Mommy each morning. When it's time for Daddy to come home, I think she knows it because she starts looking around for him and as soon as she hears the door, her eyes light up and she gets all giddy :)

She weighs 25lbs and is just around 30". Still in size 4 diapers and already fitting nicely into 18-24 month clothing. She's growing like a weed and now when I look back at her "baby" pictures, I realize how fast time has gone by. She is such a good little girl and I am so blessed.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

3 Teeth!

10/14/08 - After looking through Ella's recent pictures, I realized you can see all three of her little teeth in this one :) For those of you who haven't seen her new chompers - take a look! :)

Her fourth tooth is coming; hasn't broken through the gums yet, but it's on it's way!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Hunting Season


10/9/08 - With Ella's Daddy dressing up in camo everyday getting ready to go out hunting, sometimes she likes to dress up too.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Visiting Family & Enjoying Fall!

Ella's first pumpkin! Little, cute and chubby - just like her!

10/7/08 - Over this past weekend, we enjoyed a visit from Aunt Jess, Uncle Dave, Aunt Joy, Aunt Maria, Uncle Chad and little Cousin Lydia. They all decided to come and visit at the same time and we just had the most wonderful time with all of them. On Saturday, we decided to make a stop at DelKanic's Greenhouse for their Harvest Festival. We were too late for the free hot dogs, but just in time for some great shots by the beautiful mums! Also, Ella got her first pumpkin! :)

The Pull-up

10/6/08 - You may be wondering why I posted such a sad looking picture of her in her crib. Well, in addition to "roll-scooting", she also pulled herself up for the first time today while in the crib. I heard her crying and went in to check on her... and there she was, hanging on for dear life. :)

Scootin' Along...

10/6/08 - Ella has mastered rolling over and we thought we had also figured out how to "scoot" properly... apparently we were wrong. I like to call this the "roll-scoot". She is lifting her left leg in an attempt to half roll over and shimmy herself closer to the magazine. She's pretty creative, and persistant... I'll give her that :)