Monday, November 24, 2008

Ella "Chipmunk" Mokwa

11/24/08 - Ella is a very bad girl. Tonight she was alone for 2 minutes in the living room with a canister of her new favorite snack... sweet potato puffs. From the kitchen, I wondered why it suddenly became very quiet in the living room and thought it may be a good idea to check on my little angel. To my surprise, she had discovered the puff canister, popped off the lid, and had her cheeks full to the brim with nearly 15 puffs. As my little chipmunk saw me approach, she quickly grasped at the loose puffs on the floor and began shoveling them into her already over-stuffed mouth like never before. By the time I got to her, she had two fistfuls and a humungus mouthful of the crunchy snacks. Dan suggested that perhaps she was stocking up for winter like a little pack rat or chipmunk... which I guess makes the whole situation cuter :) Either way, Ella is not allowed to have any puffs tomorrow since she had enough for several babies tonight... She's such a stinker.

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