Friday, May 15, 2009

Ella vs. the Screen Door

5/14/09 - We like to think that all of the pictures we take of Ella are beautiful. I sit back and look through them from time to time and think "Wow, she never takes a bad picture; What a pretty little girl she is..."
Well, after today's little photo shoot at the screen door, I think I'll have to change my tune. Ella is human. Behold.... her glamour shots. (aka: blackmail pictures for when she gets a little older)

Incase you were wondering what she was so interested in that was outside... Well, Daddy went out and was riding around on his bike... I guess she wanted to join him :)


Ashton and Neil said...

those pictures are hilarious!

Nikkiey said...

LOVE those pictures!

kelly, Jim & RJ said...

love it! classic:)