4/3/08 - Today was Ella's big 6 Week Birthday. She spent the day awake for the most part, playing with Mommy during the day and Daddy in the afternoon. She enjoyed an extra long leg massage, her first ride in the BabyBjorn carrier and she even played a quick game of peek-a-boo with Mommy.
She's getting more curious about what's going on around her and doesn't especially like sleeping during the day anymore. She has moved up to size 1 diapers, although they are a little big, the newborn size just wasn't cutting it anymore. She no longer can squeeze into the 0-3 month clothes because of her length (nearly 24" at her last check up) but she fits perfectly into Carter's size 3 and most of the 3-6 month clothing. She is controling her head well when picked up or when being held over my shoulder. She used to do the "turtle" a lot when held close to my chest ("turtle" = pull head away from chest, wobble it around, then face plant back into my chest), but she has learned to control her muscles a little more and also learned that it doesn't feel good when you get your nose bonked against Mommy's chin, collarbone, shoulder, etc. Her shrill, squeaky cries are becoming more robust and when babbling, she is beginning to make noises that sound more like the beginning of words than just squeals. She usually wakes us up once during the middle of the night for a feeding and she likes to eat every 3 hours (exactly) during the day.
And lastly, she has learned to recognize Dan's voice/face when he says "Daddy's Here!!!" upon arriving home from work, or "I'm gonna get your belly!!!" These phrases usually spur a fit of giggles and big smiles.
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