Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Two Month Birthday!

Who's that sittin in Momma's chair?
...Big Foot!
In honor of Earth Day, today Ella was sporting her lovely camo onesie...
Ella loves her Daddy...

Happy Birthday to Ella! She is now 2 Months (and 1 day) old! Mommy celebrated her birthday by going back to work. I started working from home 4/21 so I could spend more time raising Ella and being a Mom, so that was my birthday present to her.

Accomplishments this past month: Ella has been using her voice more than ever, crying less, spitting up less (Thank the Lord!) and sleeping more at night. She has officially moved into size 1-2 diapers comfortably and fits in some of her 6 month jumpers with ease. She has discovered her feet/toes, so whenever possible, she'll stick them out and wiggle them around just to make sure they're still there. She is drinking a little more than 4 ounces at a sitting. She laughs and smiles almost constantly and I've learned to distinguish her "Mommy I'm hungry" cries, from her "Mommy I want attention" cries (she is getting very good at 'the pout'). She's also growing like a weed. She has a doctors appointment coming up next week, so we'll have an update then, but I'm betting she is over 2 feet long now. She is such a good baby :)


Maria said...

Happy 2 month birthday, Ella! You are getting so big and changing daily! Aunt Reah can't wait to see you again and get my hands on you!

Maria said...

Aunt Reah has a special little something for Ella when she comes to visit her new cousin in a few weeks! ;)