Happy Birthday to Ella! She is now 2 Months (and 1 day) old! Mommy celebrated her birthday by going back to work. I started working from home 4/21 so I could spend more time raising Ella and being a Mom, so that was my birthday present to her.
Accomplishments this past month: Ella has been using her voice more than ever, crying less, spitting up less (Thank the Lord!) and sleeping more at night. She has officially moved into size 1-2 diapers comfortably and fits in some of her 6 month jumpers with ease. She has discovered her feet/toes, so whenever possible, she'll stick them out and wiggle them around just to make sure they're still there. She is drinking a little more than 4 ounces at a sitting. She laughs and smiles almost constantly and I've learned to distinguish her "Mommy I'm hungry" cries, from her "Mommy I want attention" cries (she is getting very good at 'the pout'). She's also growing like a weed. She has a doctors appointment coming up next week, so we'll have an update then, but I'm betting she is over 2 feet long now. She is such a good baby :)
Happy 2 month birthday, Ella! You are getting so big and changing daily! Aunt Reah can't wait to see you again and get my hands on you!
Aunt Reah has a special little something for Ella when she comes to visit her new cousin in a few weeks! ;)
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