Monday, May 26, 2008


5/25/08 - Well, as we all know, Ella was never a big fan of "tummy-time." Whenever I would flip her on her belly, she would whimper a little and keep her head face down on the blanket, then suck on her hand awhile, then cry her eyes out until I flipped her back over. Well, we were over at Nana & Grampa Moase's house and I was explaining her dislike for "tummy-time" to my mom (Ella's Nana :)), then proceeded to flip her over on her belly to show how much she hated it... Then to my surprise, Ella chose that very moment to lift her head right up, and look around. No tears, no bobble-head, no whimpering - Just looking around, drooling all over and loving "tummy-time". I don't understand how it happened or what brought it on, but now she loves "tummy-time" and has no problem holding her head up and looking all around!

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