Monday, September 29, 2008

Taking a Ride

9/23/08 - Ella has found a new mode of transportation.... her Daddy's head.

She holds onto the sides of his head with such a grip, Dan doesn't even need to hold onto her (but he does anyways!). She'll hang out in this position for as long as her Daddy will have her and she loves every minute of it.

We just need to keep our eyes peeled for low doorways and ceiling fans ;)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Lookin' Up

9/21/08 - 7 months old and things are starting to "look up" for Ella. Size 4 diapers, 18 month size clothes, 23.5lbs, 30 inches, crawls backwards, scoots forward, 1 and a half teeth and unbelievably crazy hair - that pretty much sums up our little Ella. :) She now says "Da-Da," "Mama," "Naa," "Baa," and a lot of other noises that we're not quite sure the meaning of. She clasps her hands together, kicks her legs and opens her mouth wide when she's thrilled, and she'll scratch the back of her head or growl at you if she's not having a good time :) Favorite foods include squash and ice pops; most hated foods are anything fruity (shocking, I know). She sits like a champ and will easily go from sitting to scooting on her belly, then onto her back, and then back to her belly.
On a side note, My favorite time of the day now is 6:00am. I wake up with Dan around 5:30am and by 6am I can hear her talking to herself and blowing mouth bubbles waiting for me to come and get her. After she eats, she'll sit on my lap for a little while and watch me work, then slowly drift back to sleep for her big morning nap until around 9 or 9:30am. I love how "lovey-dovey" she is in the mornings. Being a mom is truly the most amazing experience I've ever had.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Tiger & The Tooth

9/17/08 - Ella's tooth has finally shown itself in a picture! For a while I was afraid I would never get a good shot of it, but today she was feeling especially playful on the floor and I was able to take a bunch of shots (including a picture or two of her in her tiger suit :) )

Tooth number 2 is on it's way, I have a feeling it will be poking through any day now. Ella is really getting big and as Aunt Reah pointed out, she's looking more and more like a little girl than a little baby. She still loves her "big bear" and won't sleep without him. She enjoys her morning naps and LOVES squash (just like her mommy). Oh, and she's also come to like baths (finally!). Once we added bubbles, it's like a whole new experience, and she loves it.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Amelia's 1st Birthday!

Beautiful Little Birthday Girl, Amelia!

Ella and one of her little party favors! :)
The cakes!

9/13/08 - Ella attended her first party today and it was for her friend Amelia! :) Amelia was celebrating her 1st birthday and Ella had a great time helping her enjoy her day and her presents! :) She slept through the present opening, but woke up just in time to test out some of Mia's gifts and get a little gift of her own from Amelia's Mommy :)

Sleepyhead Crazy-hair

9/5/08 - Ella is still working away at her first tooth (the second will be coming out soon I think!), and nothing really new has been going on... other than the extreme craziness of her hair on a daily basis. I really love her curls, but I'm starting to worry that when we need them to be tame (e.g. Christmas pictures, church, family get togethers, etc) that they will be untame-able. Here is an example of the craziness that is Ella's hair after a morning nap :) (also, a close-up of her pretty little eyes, because I couldn't resist!)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Hole!

9/3/08 - So Ella finally agreed to let me take a picture of her mouth so all of the world can see the cause of her grumpiness. If you look closely on the bottom gum there is a small hole where a tooth is going to be very shortly. This tiny little spot is what's causing poor Ella complete anguish! Come out already, Tooth!!!
(click on the picture above to enlarge :) )

Monday, September 1, 2008

Ella's Teeth

9/1/08 - I know it's been awhile, but Ella has been completely out of sorts with her poor little gums hurting her. She's been a different baby for a week or so now. Usually really good and playing well, but sleeping more at night and staying up more during the day. But, I knew the day was coming when she would be breaking out a new tooth and today was that day. She would not let me get a picture, but there is a little hole in her gums on the bottom and within a day or two I'm expecting to see a little tooth pop out. She is more grumpy than ever today, but I promise to update the blog this week with at least a few pictures of her (hopefully not crying) and maybe even a shot of the new tooth! :oD