9/21/08 - 7 months old and things are starting to "look up" for Ella. Size 4 diapers, 18 month size clothes, 23.5lbs, 30 inches, crawls backwards, scoots forward, 1 and a half teeth and unbelievably crazy hair - that pretty much sums up our little Ella. :) She now says "Da-Da," "Mama," "Naa," "Baa," and a lot of other noises that we're not quite sure the meaning of. She clasps her hands together, kicks her legs and opens her mouth wide when she's thrilled, and she'll scratch the back of her head or growl at you if she's not having a good time :) Favorite foods include squash and ice pops; most hated foods are anything fruity (shocking, I know). She sits like a champ and will easily go from sitting to scooting on her belly, then onto her back, and then back to her belly.
On a side note, My favorite time of the day now is 6:00am. I wake up with Dan around 5:30am and by 6am I can hear her talking to herself and blowing mouth bubbles waiting for me to come and get her. After she eats, she'll sit on my lap for a little while and watch me work, then slowly drift back to sleep for her big morning nap until around 9 or 9:30am. I love how "lovey-dovey" she is in the mornings. Being a mom is truly the most amazing experience I've ever had.