Friday, September 11, 2009
Where's Nana & Papa?
8/26/09 - Ever since Ella's Nana and Papa Moase left for vacation, she's been going through Nana/Papa withdrawl and now since it's been over a month, she's starting to go a little crazy... Every time the phone rings, she says "Nana? Nana?... Papa?" Every time someone comes to the door, she says "Nana? Nana?... Papa?" And now, this morning when she woke up, she usually just yells "Mama!" until I come and get her, but this morning was "Nana?... Nana?..."
She has also tried to call her Nana, but hasn't had any luck... Hopefully Nana and Papa will come home soon because there is a little girl here who misses them very much!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Inky Ella
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Hangin' with her Little Sis
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
These are a Few of My Favorite Things...
Monday, August 3, 2009
Potty Training 101
8/3/09 - Who would have thought that potty training would be so easy?
So, what was the first thing I did when I found Ella in the toilet, you ask? Well I ran to get my camera, of course! Immediately followed by updating my Facebook status to: "just fished her daughter out of the toilet. Yes, I said "out" of the toilet. Sitting indian-style, right in the bowl, facing the tank, splashing in the water... Guess what time it is? Bathtime. Followed by a quick lesson on the difference between "ON the potty" and "IN the potty"
What else would a good mother do?
Splashing... and a big snake
7/30/09 - Here Ella is enjoying the great outdoors with her Aunt Joy, Mommy, Daddy, Papa, Uncle Dave and "Aunt" Pickett :) Also, notice the HUGE dead snake her Papa is holding near the end of the video - I thought I would include that since it's the first snake Ella has ever seen and obviously she finds the kiddie pool more interesting.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Little Miss Piggy
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Crazy Hair
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Winking ;)
7/10/09 - Ella's new found talent is "winking". Well, not really, but she likes to think so.
She's been doing it for about a month now, and I finally was able to catch her in the act ;)
She's been doing it for about a month now, and I finally was able to catch her in the act ;)
Adjusting to Anna
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Running with Daddy
This was taken last month, but I just found it on our camera and I couldn't help but post it. Ella is getting so big, it really makes me sad to see pictures like this of her. She looks so grown up :'( At least to me... I guess I'll have all the "new little baby" I can handle, in just a few days, but seeing my first little baby growing up so fast still makes me emotional :(
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Fun Times with Daddy
6/14/09 - Just when we thought that Ella was running out of "firsts" to record, she surprised us with her newly found love for the lawnmower. She used to be afraid of the loud noise, but this evening she kept pointing at Daddy mowing the lawn through the window and when I took her out to see him, she wanted nothing more than to sit on his lap. At first he just rode around the yard with her really slow, then picked up the pace, turned the blades back on and finished mowing the lawn. She LOVED every minute of it. He said she was actually starting to get a little sleepy, until he hit a rock :) She also waved pretty much the entire time she was riding on there. I think she was having a pretty good time :)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Memorial Day Camping Trip
5/24/09 - Ella went on her first camping trip over Memorial Day weekend. Joining her was Mommy, Daddy, Aunt Helen, Uncle Dave, Aunt Maria, Uncle Chad and Cousin Lydia as well as a few family friends :) We thought that she might be hesitant about playing in the new surroundings, but not to fear! As soon as we parked the truck she was off and running, right into the woods. So needless to say, we spend a good portion of the weekend chasing our little girl around. Other than that, it was a wonderful weekend spent with family and we couldn't have asked for more :)
Friday, May 15, 2009
Ella vs. the Screen Door
5/14/09 - We like to think that all of the pictures we take of Ella are beautiful. I sit back and look through them from time to time and think "Wow, she never takes a bad picture; What a pretty little girl she is..."
Well, after today's little photo shoot at the screen door, I think I'll have to change my tune. Ella is human. Behold.... her glamour shots. (aka: blackmail pictures for when she gets a little older)

Well, after today's little photo shoot at the screen door, I think I'll have to change my tune. Ella is human. Behold.... her glamour shots. (aka: blackmail pictures for when she gets a little older)
Monday, May 11, 2009
Lydia's 1st Birthday!
5/11/09 - This past weekend, we spent some time with our little niece Lydia celebrating her 1st birthday! We had a wonderful time visiting with family and watching the birthday girl cover herself from head to toe with cake :) Unlike Ella, she wasn't at all afraid of getting a little dirty :) We're so proud of our beautiful little niece - She's grown into such a big girl; super smiley, super happy and just an amazing little girl! Happy 1st Birthday Lydia!!!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Sunny Bunny
Rockin' Out with Daddy
Happy Bunny Day!

4/12/09 - Ella celebrated her second Easter this year! Last year she was only 1 month old, so it wasn't quite as eventful, but this year she was actually able to "search" for her Easter basket! (It was cleverly hidden in broad daylight on one of the chairs in the living room). Anyways, after her bath, it was off to find the basket... unfortunately she was off and running before we were able to get her dressed.
Luckily, she allowed us to stop her playtime momentarily and get her all dressed up for church, a visit to Grandma & Grandpa Mokwa's house and another Easter basket from Aunt Maria! :)
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